Re-Connecting the Urban Green | Community Center | Architectural Design Idea

from the analysis of overall site MALAYSIA
which having 27.5million of population with over 20 million of people staying at peninsular
Out of the total land occupied by MALAYSIA, 
56.4% are forest and only 10% of the forest are conserved and one of it
here, My project site the GREEN club, community Center.
Reconnecting the nature with manmade  in order to 
create the balance within the ecosystem

The building basically divided into 3 main buildings
the community center
the green link
the sport and recreation center

the green link include the urban farm, shop and restaurant
and this become my main feature of the design which
CONFLUENCE and influence the overall planning

the shop actually radiate out from the middle of the site 
which refer to a tree that is outstanding enough within the site
it is approximately 10m height and it become
my prominent reason to do so.

visitor or the residents can actually choose to either go to first floor or go into the tunnel
which provide the view of the urban farm.
moving on will be the community center where it is the main drop off area
once the visitor arrived

the main selling point of the project come to the center court yard!
where the common area and chatting area provided within the courtyard.
double pitched roof which allow natural ventilation and 
penetration of daylighting are another features of passive design.

then in between the community center, there is library provided,
right besides that is a basket ball court which prohibited by the vegetation 
in order to provide a better environment for study environment yet the view still remained

 and finally come to the kinder garden and the MPH
the roof structure reflect the architecture style of my concept which refer
to steel cantilevered structure.
urban farm is thus radiate out from the tree and shop and 
ESD are applied here 
which refer to the grey water harvesting system which 
used for irrigation purposes
the presence of pond within the urban farm area
also help to collect the water and cold down the surrounding area.
here, the view of the urban farm.
