Toji temple | Flea Market on 21st | Holy day
Toji temple东寺, which literally mean East temple was the sister temple
to Saiji temple (west temple).
Toji temple was the capital's guardian temple which was founded at beginning of
Heian period and now registered as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Toji temple became Shingon temple after the Japanese Buddhism's founder,
Kobo Daishi appointed as the head proes of Toji.
This is then all the large wooden buildings introduced
into this site.
There will be flea market happening in the temple on the 21st day of each month
which adding another interesting socio culture aspect to Kyoto.
Toji market was well known with this tradition and cuture where
Toji market was well known with this tradition and cuture where
there will be thousands of vendors selling their own product
range from the uniquely Japanese clothes to electronic product.

From the entrance, the stalls begin to spread from outside to inside.
In between the market, there is still some area that is still maintained as
praying area for the visitor to pray.
praying area for the visitor to pray.
The market area can be divided into a few category according to the zone.
The activity spread from the temple's gate until the other gateway where
there is approximately 1200 vendors in total.
The vendors range from pottery, imperial Army uniforms to snacks and food.
In between you can find some other special collection of
traditional Japanese culture and clothes like kimono, yukata and their crafts.
Almost everything is free to try which attract more
people to come along this market and shopping.
Toji temple was amplified by the Landscape design and the timber architecture.
The traditional Japanese garden filled with Lotus Flower, greenary and carps which then
adds another beautiful scenary and atmosphere to the flea market.
The visitor can enjoy strolling in the garden,
giving a break from the market by watching and relaxing around the garden.
The hierarchy- five stories pagoda.
Meanwhile, we are able to bound to run into some Buddhist pries with clad in ochre robes
around the temple area.
The visitor can pray and also observe the priest performing their prayers
at one of the many sub temples which is just besides the bustle of the market.
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