建築人的朝聖地 | 落水山莊 | Falling Water | Frank Lloyd Wright,USA

永恒的建築 | 建築人的朝聖地 
Timeless Architecture | The sacred place for all the architects

坐落於美國賓州西南部鄉村、匹茲堡東南方50英裏處的落水山莊(Falling water),是享譽國際的瀑布上的建築物。
Falling water, master piece by Frank Lloyd Wright is located seventy miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

The home was once a weekend retreat for the Kaufmann family, who owned a successful chain of department stores in the area. They commissioned Wright, famous for integrating his architecture with nature, to build the home for them.The design incorporating boulders from the mountain into the building’s foundation and steps that lead straight into the river below.

Driving onto the property feels isolating as the dense forest blocks out most of the light. However, as you step into the weekend home, the atmosphere immediately brightens.

Low ceilings make the home seem more cozy than cramped, and the incorporation of wood brings the natural world inside. In fact, that was Wright’s intention; with the use of open space and large windows, my eyes were constantly drawn to the outdoors and the natural beauty surrounding the home. To completely isolate myself from the outside world would be impossible.

The materials of the structure blend with the colorings of rocks and trees, while occasional accents are provided by bright furnishings, like wildflowers or birds outside. 

The paths within the house, stairs and passages, meander without formality or urgency, and the house hardly has a main entrance; there are many ways in and out.

The building adopted "cantilever principle" which enable the horizontal elements become prominent at the same time structurally sound. Sociability and privacy are also both available, as are the comforts of home and the adventures of the seasons. So people are cosseted in to relaxing, into exploring the enjoyment of a life refreshed in nature.

The project incorporates broad expanses of windows and the balconies are off main rooms giving by this way a sense of the closeness of the environment. There is also an interior staircase leading down from the living room allowing direct access to the stream beneath the house

到處都可見紅色。沙發、壁爐、地毯。這是切羅基紅(Cheoke Red),萊特一向最愛的顏色,連他的私人座車也漆這種顏色。
As described by Wright, organic architecture promotes harmony between people and nature. Through thoughtful design that is seamlessly integrated with its natural setting, the building, the furnishings and the surroundings become cohesive parts of one unified, interrelated composition.

落水山莊地址是1491 Mill Run Rd, Mill Run, PA 15464,電話:(724)329-8501。從4月到11月,除了周三休息不開放,其他日子都讓人參觀,入口大門下午4時關門。落水山莊的四季景觀略有不同,秋天可看樹林楓葉轉橙黃紅綠紛飛,冬天可看白雪冰瀑,有時水量較豐沛。詳情最好上網查看:http://www.fallingwater.org

Tickets are $25 for adults and $17 for children for the standard tour or $72 per person for the in-depth tour. Bear in mind that children under 6 are not allowed on any tours of Fallingwater. Reservations are highly recommended and can be made on their website or by calling 724-329-8501. If you just want to see the outside of the home, ground’s passes are available for $8 each.


  1. So nice, but it’s kinda a remote in Pennyslyvania. May I know how you visit to it? Engaged tour? From NYC?

    1. yes it is very remote, u have to drive yourself to that place.
      You have to prebook and pay for the tour prior to visit it.

    2. oh, so you drove there to the falling water?

    3. Yes we drove all the way to falling water


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